copper without QT



if i use copper to get rid of ick without qt it will kill my inverts. I have 2 live rock 10 lbs each and i want to TRY to save them. i dont want to use a qt because i have no room. I have a question is a starfish an invert ?


Yes, your starfish is an spine. Copper will kill your inverts and your live rock. Can you get a 10 gallon qt? Cheap set up at wal mart and all you have to buy extra is the heater. I understand about the room though. I ended up putting a qt on the floor in the basement on a couple of 2x4's. Works fine. Also, if you have a closet with an outlet nearby, you could always put it in there. It's not like it has to be seen. Good luck. I am trying a new product safe for inverts and corals and should arrive tomorrow. you can email me if you like, I'll tell you more.....and I'll get bashed here because some don't believe it works....but just email me.
good luck!


i just dose in my tank people say that youll never be able to have inverts is bs. after treatment add carbon plus skimmer for about 2 weeks and water changes liek crazy and your set.


never ever use copper in your main tank and you shouldn't use it in ur qt tank either. copper is the worst and last resort kind of medication.