

If my 15 high had copper in it and i have removed all of the water from it will i be able to put my corals in the tank? Will the filter and heater still have cooper on it? I'm making my 55 into an agressive setup and my 15 high into a reef tank is this possible? Please reply


Copper will have gotten into the rock and substrate that was in this tank. In addition the copper will have gotten into the seals on the tank. I would not put corals or inverts in this tank. It's only a 15 high so it's not like it is expensive to replace ( probably the cost of one coral). even if you fill the tank and test for copper a 0 reading may not mean copper will not leach out at a later date.


I went throught the same thing when I setup my 20. I opted for a different tank, but kept the same filter and heater that I had used copper with. I made sure to give it a few good washes and I changed all the media on the filter. I ran carbon on the tank when I set it up and tested the water for Cu shortly after. There was 0 Cu in the water. I say get a different tank, which for a 15gal should be more then $20-$25 probably less, and keep the filter and the heater.