Copperband Butterfly question/concern..newbie


New Member
I bought a CB Butterfly 2 days ago and the yellow tang is very aggressive towards it. chases and tries to spur the cbb. I've also notice some aggressive posturing from the blue hippo tang. Fox face is happy go lucky and he seems to be the tank boss.
the aggression is suprising cause it always been peaceful.
Here is my stock
155 g
yellow tang
blue hip tang
flame angel
2 false p clowns
snowflake eel
various inverts
and the newest addition the cb butterfly
150 lbs rock
the cbb is not really eating yet. but is picking at the rocks.
If things dont settle down I could move it it to my other tank but it is getting crowded
3 ft bowfront...think its about 45 gallon???
2 false p clowns
bullet/sand sifter goby
royal gramma
2 bang cardinals
various inverts
2 peppermint shrimp
30 lbs rock
very peaceful, the momma clown rules the roost.
I am aware of how delicate the cbb is suppose to be thus my concern. Small tank had a nitrite spike bout a month ago but switched to ro water and water changes every 10 days or so and now nitrates have almost zeroed. know cbb's are less hardy than my other stock.
so I would appreciate any input.. wait and see, or move to smaller tank but with smaller fish.
Also I would like input if I am overstocked. was wanting a flame hawkfish for the big tank but dont want to overcrowd. (actually was at local fish store to get the hawkfish they ordered for me but he was tiny and figured the eel might eat him...thats when I saw the CBB..impulse buy)


Well-Known Member

Those yellow tangs get real territorial. In the reef they patrol about 6 feet of space as theirs. The CB butterfly is shaped a little like him in the face, and he may see it as a threat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Those yellow tangs get real territorial. In the reef they patrol about 6 feet of space as theirs. The CB butterfly is shaped a little like him in the face, and he may see it as a threat.
Yeah, most fish can put up with the tang until the pecking order is established. But; the CB is very intolerant of any aggression, or even a lot of "hyper" activity. IMO, your smaller tank is too small and if things don't settle down quickly, I'd return him if you can.


Active Member
Most fish can put up with the tangs until the pecking order is established. But; the CB is very intolerant of any aggression, or even a lot of "hyper" activity. IMO, your smaller tank is too small and if things don't settle down quickly, I'd return him if you can. You could also try putting the yellow tang into your other tank for a few days, giving the CB a chance to adjust and the YT to lose his territory.. But, I wouldn't bet the farm on this working; although it often does with fish that are more territorial than aggressive (like a YT).


New Member
thanks for the input
The yellow tang has mellowed some. Not trying to pin the cb on the rocks and spuring him anymore but still a bully, still chasing the cb around but less. the cb ate a little today but still hides out during feeding.
someone told me or read something to move the rocks around and the cb might have to a better chance to establishing a territory. does that sound reasonable?
Another future plans are to go to a 300ish size tank and would like to add some more tangs. Am I gonna go though this everytime I introduce a new tang in the future? say I get the big tank and plan to add 3more tangs should I do it all at once so the yellow tang cant zero in on one.
geeze..I dont know whats happening to me. I'm a rural appalacian male who growing up would have knock down/drag outs with my 2 brothers over the last pork chop at the dinner table, have no hangs up about cleaning a fish while its still flopping. Now I'm I'm all tore up about about this little guy getting picked on....I dont know, it must be that that pushing 40 y old testosterone dip cause I'm not acting right!..ha ha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bosshog
geeze..I dont know whats happening to me. I'm a rural appalacian male who growing up would have knock down/drag outs with my 2 brothers over the last pork chop at the dinner table, have no hangs up about cleaning a fish while its still flopping. Now I'm I'm all tore up about about this little guy getting picked on....I dont know, it must be that that pushing 40 y old testosterone dip cause I'm not acting right!..ha ha.
Classic symptoms of an "addiction"; join the crowd!


Active Member
No worries.......I almost cried when I traded my cichlids in to start my saltwater tank. One of the main things is that you buy these animals wanting to care for them and give them the healthiest life possible and when you see one of them being nasty to the other it kind of feels like one of your children is getting hurt, albeit not as serious. They certainly can cost as much as a child sometimes!! A fish you catch to eat though? Well, that is food and I don't think we let our emotions get in the way. If we did we would all be vegetarians.....