Copperband Butterfly


New Member
I bought a copperband butterfly a couple of days ago and I have not seen it eat yet. I bought it from a local pet store and they seemed to have good luck with it. It has been at the store for a month. They said that they just feed it carnivorous pellets. I bought them but still haven't seen it eat. Any suggestions?!?! It's belly doesn't look sunken in yet or anything, but I would like maybe some helpful hints if anyone has any and thank you so very much.


Active Member
Fish in the saltwater hobby I have seen are like this some ppl have taken up to a month for them to eat.


Active Member

Originally posted by goldenboy
try live brine, if it won't eat that it's a gonner...

Not necessarily. Some fish won't take to certain foods. If you've only had this fish a couple days, it may simply be acclimating to your system. Butterflies also gain a lot of their nourishment by picking small inverts off the LR. Give it some time. Offer a good variety of foods including mysis shrimp, finely copped mussel and clam, blood worms, etc. It should begin eating soon.


I agree. Try clam from superstore or any local supermarket. That's what I would do if any new comers don't eat.


I've never had butterflies, but I know with others, soaking the food in liquid garlic (available at most FS) sometimes encourages eating also.


Active Member
why is it that most people always suggest soaking food in garlic
??? I dont get it do fish on reefs taste like garlic:thinking:
and i know what u guys are going to say garlic helps fight parasites i understand that


Hi PreElla!!!
looks like you are getting some good advice here!!!
wow, i didn't realize you could wait a whole month!! i want to come see her, oh yeah, i will see her tomorrow!! of the next day when our order is here!!


the copperbanded butterfly fish has a low survival rate in the home aquarium. You may try feeding it live food such as freshwater clams or black mussels that have had their shells broken open. Offer marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen carnivore preparations. And feed them 2-3 times once settled in the tank. hope this help, wish you all the luck, love ya:cheer:


it did survive, it began to eat really well, but then another fish started pickingon it and it died.
pre ella was pretty sick over it.


Active Member
I had a similar situation until yesterday. I had a 3some of damsels picking on him, emptied my tank getting them out. He roams free now. Now I need to get him to eat...
no mo damsels.... (dominoes)


I once had a copperbanded angel also. Every week I went to the grocery store and bought 7 fresh shrimps. I would pull the meat off and feed it to my angel and puffer. I was able to keep the angel for 2 years before my tank leaked and I lost most of the water while at work. I put everyone in several small tanks but the puffer and angel were the first to die. I also fed him romaine lettuce. besides the usual frozen foods.


ive had my CBB for over a year and he eats frozen blood worm cubes and clams. he is twice as big from when i bought him. good luck


Active Member
Try live black worms. I have a Copperband and it loves black worms. I also feed it a variety of other frozen and flake foods but it loves black worms.