copperband butterlfy


Butterfly fish:
Are they reef safe at all??? And if so let me know what kinds you have in your tanks.
I will be setting up a reef tank and I love the angels and butterfly fish.
I was looking at the copperband and saltwater sayes monitor???
I will be keeping mostly soft corals and anenomies. I need a home for clowns :)


Active Member
copperbands are one of the semi reef safe butterflies be careful if you plan in keeping anenomes they do tend to pick at them and become lunch to larger healthy specimins. my sebae ate mine lol.I have a martins pearlscale in mine hes does ok with pollups and leathers not recomened for hard corals(great fro removing aiptasia).I had a threadfin for a while in my refuge he ate my xanias before eating aiptasia.but from what I have read majority of angels and butterflies are not reef safe.I have never owned any angels so I have not done much research on them to know accual facts