Copperband with Lymphocytus?


My copperband has been doing well for the past two weeks out of quarentine but now it looks as if he has lympocytus (sp). Here is a picture of the affected area. I just want to confirm it is lymp and not a fungus.


Active Member
Fungal infections are pretty rare in saltwater systems. I agree with Beth that it does look like lymph. It should clear up in short order with a good diet, good water and low stress environment.


My copperband died last night.
He was fine yesterday he was eating my aiptasia and I was starting to feed hime brine shrimp and was constintaly swiming around looking for food and attention. I am assuming at this point that some random death means that he was cyanided. Anyone have any ideas?


Active Member
He was ok yesterday is something you here alot with CBB's. My advice to everyone is don't buy any fish from anywhere that doesn't guaruntee that they aren't caught with chemicals.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Fungal infections are pretty rare in saltwater systems. I agree with Beth that it does look like lymph. It should clear up in short order with a good diet, good water and low stress environment.
I have to believe there was something else serious going on with this fish & your tank after you transferred to the main tank if it was fine for two weeks after QT. Was it eating anything else you were feeding? Brine is just not a good food IMO. Were other fish harassing it? If I remember correctly, they prefer chopped/shredded clam.