copperband yes or no

kevin j

Hi everyone I seen a Copper banned butterfly at the lfs and was asking the help if I can have one in my reef he answered my question told me that he might eat my star polyps. Then I checked a fish book out that tells about them and it said they eat zoo's soooo I come to you guys which I trust the best! Can I have the Copperband?
I have a 75 gallon with:
1 purple firefish
1 yellow tang
1maroon clown
1 yellow tail
1 fiji dam.
blue, green, red, purple shrooms
green and pink star polyps
pink cabbage leather
red button polyps
So what do you guys think yes or no
thanks alot as always



Originally posted by kevin j
Hi everyone I seen a Copper banned butterfly at the lfs and was asking the help if I can have one in my reef

You can't have a copper banned butterfly, they are BANNED!
Seriously though, they are really hard to get to eat. If the one at the store is already eating, which is a long shot, that is a big plus. They are also not the hardiest of fish even if you do get them to eat. As far as eating your corals goes, I am sure it varies by specimen, just like certain types of angels are hit or miss in a reef. Overall, it will be a challenge. I wanted one for a long time and decided that I would rather settle for a less challenging fish.


you have a 75/25(guess) chance of survival 50/50 chance it will eat your polyped corals. I tried one and it died within a few days wouldnt eat but never touch the corals. a freind tried on and it devasted several of his corals in just a few days it took him to catch him. to me its not worth the risk unless you have a bad apistia problem I beleive they eat those

kevin j

Thaks everyone I dont think I am going to my tank is just to nice to take such a chance! They were the biggest Copperbands I have ever seen though so I thought I would atleast ask.

the claw

Active Member
I'm the luckiest bugger in town I guess. I have had mine for 9 months. He lives in my 150 reef until the aiptasia gets out of hand in my 55. There he takes a 2 week vacation before going back to the big tank. He is fairly easy to catch.(like he knows he's going for an adventure) . He hasn't touched one of my corals, and he chows on aiptasia. Not to mention he is absolutely gorgeous.


Active Member
I had one once I was able to get him eating brine shrimp but he would not touch any other foods
He was in a FO with no corals
my brother has one now thats the same way