Coral acclimation to my other tank?


So I have a 29 gal bio cube. ITS HORRIBLE! I have a sea fan, chili coral pink zoas and shrooms.. (all the fish died.. Oh yeah and some crabs) I am trying to figure out if i need to acclimate them to my other tank. I want to get everything out of this tank, return it and get a real tank. Since this will be like starting over I wanted to get everything out of this tank. my water levels are close in each tank...


Active Member
didnt really get ur concern or question. if the two tanks r the same, moving corals from one to the other wouldnt help. u first need find out why u r having problems with corals and fish in ur biocube. the biocube isnt a bad system. i suggest u do more research b4 starting up again.


If the water quality is the same, why do you suppose that moving the corals would help? Or is it the tank itself that you don't like?
I LOVE my Oceanic BioCube, it's one of my favorite tanks. What are you having an issue with?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SHainline
So I have a 29 gal bio cube. ITS HORRIBLE! I have a sea fan, chili coral pink zoas and shrooms.. (all the fish died.. Oh yeah and some crabs) I am trying to figure out if i need to acclimate them to my other tank. I want to get everything out of this tank, return it and get a real tank. Since this will be like starting over I wanted to get everything out of this tank. my water levels are close in each tank...

I am assuming you just want a bigger answer your question...I personally always acclimate any critter that I move. Even when I put them into a tub to move, and most of the old water is used into the new place.
So the rule of thumb..if you move anything from point A to point B..unless it is a sponge, acclimate.


My 55 has been up and running longer. we have more stuff in there and I just dont seem to be having luck with things in the bio cube. I added a hang on filter and a better skimmer and things are looking LOTS better! I like the look of the bio cube but not the set up.. Had a hippo, finger blenny and a fire shrimp all die in there


Originally Posted by SHainline
My 55 has been up and running longer. we have more stuff in there and I just dont seem to be having luck with things in the bio cube. I added a hang on filter and a better skimmer and things are looking LOTS better! I like the look of the bio cube but not the set up.. Had a hippo, finger blenny and a fire shrimp all die in there

Uhm, I had a 14 g BC for a year with no problems, and and just upgraded to a 29 gallon BC which i love even more.
Your problems lies with the fact that a hippo tang needs about triple the space in water than what you have provided it. No tangs should be kept in under 75 g., they will get sick,stressed,ich, andor die.