Coral advise please!

angler man

Hey guys, I was debating wether to post this here or at the new hobbyist section.
Anyway, I have set my tank up and it's been running for two months now. I'm being patient and letting my tank mature. In the meantime I was wondering what advise some of you could give me on some corals you might have regretted procuring or things that may help me in my selection.
At this point I have really taken a liking to soft corals and some LPS's. I have been searching the net to find things that are visually exciting but most come with a serious price tag. What is with Australian Micromusas!

BTW, how do you know if you need a calcium reactor?


Active Member
generally with good water change rituals softie dominated tanks wont require a calc reactor.
some corals that you may "regret later" can include
discosomas mushrooms I have been trying to eradicate them from my 75 for a couple months by plucking every one I see out, they just keep materializing out of nowhere.
Anthelia, this stuff can grow really fast and dominate a tank in short order
Xenia, same as anthelia, plus it has a tendancy to die off en masse' cuasing serious short term water quality issues
kenya or capnella tree coral, once they reach maturity they drop babies everywhere asnd you can end up with a tank full of babies whether you want them or not.
that would be my list of corals to be wary of adding to a tank, they are the ones that get out of hand the easiest, but if you want fast growing relativly easy multiplying corals then that list is the way to go.

yosemite sam

Active Member
You'll need a calcium reactor or some other calcium dosing method once you start adding LPS and SPS coral, corals that have hard calcium skeletons. Once you do, you'll have to monitor your water parameters to see how much calcium is being used up, and dose accordingly.
As far as corals to keep away from, skip gonioporas. They have dreadful survival records in aquariums, and you'll likely be throwing money away. And as ReefkprZ said, some of the easier to keep polyps can become a nuisance after a while. I'd add green star polyps to his list. They grow like crazy and can starting taking over your tank.