Coral Banded on the prowel


Help!!! my CBS is trying like crazy to murder my only fish in his tank. A blue damsel. I feed every other day so I know he is eating, I watch him like a hawk. He killed my cleaner shrimp :mad: I don't know what to do too keep him under control :confused: Anyone got any advise.


Active Member
What size tank do you have them in? CBS will attack and kill other shrimp if housed together in a small tank. I have never heard of them attacking a damsel. But if they both want the same spot or if its a mini or micro-reef and there is not enough room it could be a problem.


My CBS is the "king" of the inverts in my tank. He will try to go after every fish I have. I can't keep any other shrimps. And I never feed him. He gets enough on his own. They are agressive IMO. But I've also had him for 13 months. Molted about 8 times. I doubt a CBS will catch a fish.


Thanks, my tank is a 32gal, it is wider than tall. There are lots of hiding places. he likes to stand and wait at the top like the king of the tank and strike at the damsel as he swims by. I guess maybe he might be innocent when it comes to the cleaner shrimp but he was eating him. nothing else in the tank to kill it and he was fine the night before. Oh well, lets hope for the best. I welcome any more advise.


Active Member
That tank is a bit small to keep other shrimp in there with a CBS, their very territorial. The problem with the CBS verses damsel maybe a size issue, if the damsel is to small it may look to like a snack to the CBS.


thats good to know about not adding more shrimp, I thought about adding 2 more cleaner shrimp. Question????? Why does everyone think a 32 gallon tank is small.
(in comparison to a 100+ gall. it is) it doesn't seem that small to me. it takes up one whole wall. I know that a larger tank is better but, space is an issue here. I do day care in my home and the kids are quite inquisitive so I don't want to purchase anything too big. then, there is the glass corner issue,( mine isn't glass and it has rounded corners) there is no way at this time can I afford a bigger one. Maybe when the kids are grown.LOL!!! I want my tank to be great too but for now, I need to use what I have. Any ideas??? I want to send some pics in. I need to barrow a camera. as soon as I do, I will definately send them. thanks for the advise.


I had a 10 gallon tank with a CBS and a cleaner shrimp and they coexisted without too many troubles for quite a long time - ultimately they got along. The CBS got ahold of one of the cleaner's antennae and snipped it off one day and ever since then, the cleaner steered way clear of the CBS. Hehehe


New Member
my cbs claimed a damsel,will even jump at me if i come to the glass, But i've had no other problems with other inverts nor the only other fish I have(true percula).


I have a 37 gallon with a CBS, cleaner shrimp, and pepermint shrimp. In addition, I have a yellow tang and clown. No problems ever! I feed every other day so no one is ever trying to kill each other.


Active Member
It really depends on the CBS itself (how big, how old, what --- and its own personality) some are going to be more aggresive than others and some are going to damand a greater territory than others. Especially if there is no one in there to keep him in check, ie a larger fish swimming around to keep him hiding during the day. If the tank is under 45-50g you run the risk he may want the hole thing for himself. But not allways. 38g only seems small when you start dealing with territoral animals because they don't like sharing if they can avoid it.


My CBS dug my royal gramma out of its hiding spot ate ATE it. I hate the sucker but, he's too fast to catch.


New Member
Sorry to jump in on the topic here but I was wondering what you guys think is the smallest tank you could house a CBS in?
The reason I ask is because I have a 7-8 gal nano tank with a CBS. I am starting to get the feeling that he is going to out grow my tank. :eek:


I look at the CBS like I do a sally light foot. That is there are more docile critters that will do the same job.
1 CBS= 1 cleaner shrimp + 1 peppermint shrimp
1 SLF= 1 Mithrax


thanks guys, I feel better. I didn't notice his aggressive tendancy until my yellow tang died last week. :( I am waiting until next week to add anything new just in case. So far, the damsel has managed to evaide(spelling?) capture/murder, he's healthy and quick. What can I add to my tank for swimming things. 1 blue damsel doesn't quite do it for me. tank inhabitants inclued:
2 brittle stars
1 blue damsel
clean up crew from this site
2 atlantic anenome's
1 feather duster
50-60 lbs of live rock.
Help me make my tank beautiful :D :D


Active Member
I had a coral banded for about 6 months. He did great, eating bristle worms and just looking cool, and the all of a sudden he ate my 2 year old Rainfords Gobie and tried to eat my purple fire fish. Donated him to an LFS after that. They are trustworthy when they are small, but as they get bigger they are prone to eat small fish lying dormant in the tank.


How about a nice flame hawk? He would love to have that CBS over to his cave for dinner... mmmmm....scampi.....


I would make sure the cleaner shrimp was eaten and didn't just molt. A molted shell looks just like the real thing. I couldn't tell you how many losses I thought I had looking at a molted shell, thinking it was the real thing. A CBS will eat a molted shells and the shrimp could just be in hiding becouse he just molted. Possibility, maybe.


actually, molting was my first thought but still no cleaner shrimp. I think I would have seen him by now. Blue damsel is still hanging in there.... for now..... need to get my QT tank mended and then I can add something new to the tank to balance it out.