coral banded shrimp 2 or more?


Does any one know how to tell if 2 choral banded shrimp become mated. I just went to the SWFS and they had 2 shrimp in 2 different tanks the guy told me that their would be no problem putting 2 in my 125 FWLR tank even if they are 2 males but he didn't know how to tell the --- of them Does any one know how too Tell the --- of shrimp that is?


Active Member
cbs's are hit and miss in any siturationand size tank.
they often do not mix well with toher shrimp, including other cbs's
You would have about a 50/50 chance with keeping both.


ya but is their a way of telling a male vs female or do they look Identical?
I bought 2 as I said before and put each one on opposite ends of the tank now they are continuosly staying together hiding behind the live rock their aren't fighting or clawing at each other so I don't know if they became mated in my tank or not?


If they re hanging together, then one of them is male and the other one is female, actually, if u have 2 shrimps, generally one of them becomes male and other becomes female but i dont know if thats fine w/ cbs, but if u had two males then they would fight all day long or they would each go other sides of the tank, actually your tank is big even for 2 males so if they re togather then as
i said u ve a male and a female


They both are approximately the same size one is a tiny bit larger Does anyone know if they are male/female then which one is the Female is it usually the larger is the female or viseversa?
Do choral bandits eat anything besides algae?
What else should I add to the tank for food for them?
I have mollies and 1 red legged hermit crab and a small hermit, and 2 CB shrimp and have been adding cut up cocktail shrimp to the tank and flake food. Is their anything else anyone can recomend I add for the shrimp?
I plan on purchasing fish within the next couple weeks any suggestions on what I can add with the shrimp?


I have 2 - they are my favorite things in my tank. Very cool. I guess I got lucky. Bought them together. They are inseperable, go everywhere together and are very pleasant tank mates for other inhabitants. One has turquoise color on her back, the other does not. They both have dark blue on their undersides. I read that the turquoise signifies a female. When I feed my fish they catch the stuff swirling through the water. I also hand feed them sinking wafers, just to make sure they are getting enough to eat. They love the wafers!


i feed mine Krill. Didnt even know they ate algae. Havent ever seen mine eat algae. he picks at the rocks and catches stray food.....and everyonce in awhile a hermit.


I have had mine for 8 months and he is with a fire shrimp and 7 pepermints. They all get along. But the CBS is the king.
I have noticed in the last few months my CBS had started getting a green coloring on his back just behind his head. Anyone ever see this?


Hi Phil - one of my CBS is a truquoise green on the back. From what I have read, this is a female.