coral banded shrimp and six-line wrasse

jon logan

New Member
Can you put a coral banded shrimp and a six line wrasse together? I read something on the internet that said the coral banded shrimp won't get along with wrasses.


it should be ok with the six line. i think what you read meant the bigger wrasses. plus the coral banded can take care of itself and is no pushover. just to be on the safe side though get the biggest coral banded you can find.


New Member
I just added a sixline to my tank, and he killed my cleaner shrimp on the first day. I was hoping the cleaner was just molting, but it has been 5 days and no sign of him.


that's a cleaner shrimp though not a cbs. coral bandeds are pretty tough where cleaners aren't at all. they don't have any defense against fish except to hide or hope that the colors he wears make the fish want a cleaning instead of lunch.


New Member
So do you think a Coral Banded would survive with a six line, a perc clown, a royal gramma, and a scooter blenny?

dr. evil

yeah my coral banded is pretty tough i named him grumpy he holds his own with 6 damsels and he lets them know your in my house now get the hell out