Coral Banded Shrimp - breeding, molting and Iodine question


richard kagen

We picked up a breeding pair of CBS at LFS. In a little less than a month we have had one hatch and the female has molted twice. (The babies are tiny and disappeared in a hour or so.) They are very active and amazing to watch. After she molts he gathers up food and feeds her so she does not have to move around. (Reminds me of waiting on my wife for 9 months) She was missing a claw when we go her but regrew it at the first molt. Very cool critters even if they are trying to catch the pair of false percula clowns they share a tank with.
Question: does anyone test Iodine? I read it was important for the molting proccess. Which kit? target levels? supplement?

mr. limpid

Active Member
I thought I would answer since no did. I have kept CBS for 30 years now and never had a problem with there molts and only did regular water changes. There are test kits out there for iodine Salifert makes a very good test kit. They are a bit pricy but if you like to know what is going on in your tank more power to you. I never had a matted pair so no nothing about raising the young. You may want to put a thread in the Captive Breeding Forum on that one.