Coral banded shrimp PLEASE HELP!


New Member
I just purchased a coral banded shrimp. The LFS said I could just put him in and not acclimate him since he is a hardy shrimp. I totally did not believe that so I acclimated him for 45 minutes. He jumped around the tank but now he is hiding under my LR. Could he be moulting or is he dying. I was told when they moult they hide for protection.
PLEASE HELP! :eek: :rolleyes:


Active Member
Shrimps are very delicate. I normally acclimate them for 2-3 hours.
He is hiding because it's a new enviroment and they do tend to hide more than other shrimps.
I would watch him for the next couple of days. Hope he makes it, good luck.


Most cbs that I have seen are fairly skittish and spend most of their time in a cave someplace coming out mostly to eat. I wouldn't worry too much.


Tangster, My csb also hid when I first added him to the tank. Now, he is almost always out and about in the open - maybe it is because he is not a little guy. He also moults ~1x/month, and just to warn you, he sometimes moults off a claw, but it has always grown back within 2-3 weeks. He's a great character in my tank. Good luck!


My cbs hid in the rocks for about the first month or so and then slowly began to venture out. Now he's all over the place.