coral banded shrimp with cleaner shrimp


New Member
Will coral banded shrimp be aggressive to cleaner shrimp? says they are peaceful and will not harm other shrimp. But I read elsewhere that they are aggressive - specifically to cleaner shrimp. I have 120g tank so there is a pretty good bit of real estate to share. Cleaner shrimp is well established; we would be adding the coral banded. I usually go with better safe than sorry approach - but my kids are dying to get a coral banded shrimp.


Active Member
It's a gamble; some people don't have any problems, but most do. Coral bandeds are aggressive, and it would most likely kill the cleaner.
I have one of each kind in my 65 gallon and they are okay. If the cleaner goes for food the other wants the banded will stop him but they are definately peaceful with each other. We love the banded shrimp, he is great to watch eat!


I had 1 cleaner 1 coral. the cleaner died after 1 year reason unknown. I got a new tiny new cleaner 6 months ago and it is still alive and it lives right next to the coral. The coral is big now and has huge claws. Not that this amtters to the story but once i caught the cleaner and it dropped the claws and they grew back next time he/she molted. Just a little fyi.