coral banded shrimp


Active Member
my lfs told me not to mix with other shrimp such as skunk or red shrimp
what are everyones thoughts?


I've got 1 CBS
1 Cleaner
2 Peppermints
The CBS will chase the cleaner once in a while but they move well


Active Member
most of the time they will kill other shrimp, but on rare occasions they will be fine with other shrimps, i heard someone say that is you get a CBS when its small and add other shrimp that when it gets bigger it will leave the other shrimp alone or you can buy a matted pair


Active Member
I have a pair of CBS, by accident but they don't seem to bother the Skunk. I have a couple of pepermints that live behind the overflow box on the side of the tank. I assume that has something to do with self preservation.


New Member
I have big CBS and doing well with cleaner but the other day I decide to put camelback in the tank and as soon as I put the camback shirmp in the tank, my CBS snatch the camelback and ate it like candy.. My daughter was watching the whole scene and she was crying like crazy..end up being lying small shirmp was a dinner for big shirmp..


I have one fairly large CBS , one med FIRE Shrimp and I think 5 peppermint they are all doing fine been together about 2 months now CBS has been in there longer than the others