Coral Banded Shrimp


Would there be any problems with having a fire shrimp, pistol shrimp and a cleaner shrimp in with a coral banded shrimp in a 40 gallon tank? Thanks.


i have a coral banded shrimp in my 55 gallon. It is very territorial when a fish or any of my strawberry crabs get near it.


Active Member
You are defineately going to have problems! I would NOT put the Coral Banded shrimp in with the other shrimp. He will eat them! I lost 3 cleaners until I finally saw the C.B. catch one and eat him, little devils as far as I'm concerned. Needless to say the C.B. is no longer with us.


I would say definately not in the size aquarium you are speaking of. The CBS wil probably have a couple of good meals :)


I think if the CBS is well fed, he shouldn't bother the other shrimp. I have one with a few hermits and snails and he is the hit if the tank, dancing over rock and climbing up glass. He can even catch flake food out of mid air (mid water??). I break up some sinking food into pin head size pieces and plop about 2 or 3 in a day. What the CBS doesn't get the hermits do.


Had a CBS ... he basically ate all my hermits ... i can't see he wasn't well fed after that ... but everything meaty he could get his claws on, he ate it ... sent him back to the LFS after one week


Active Member
I never had any trouble with between my CBS and snails and hermits. I find it unlikely that a CBS could do any harm to hermits or snails(they have a shell). But most shrimp have nothing to protect themselves from the CBS pinchers, I have seen this first hand unfortunately.