coral banded shrimp


New Member
My coral banded shrimp keeps eating my fish. I put two greem chromis in my tank yesterday afternoon and he killed them all ready. The day before he killed a damsel. Is there anything I can do besides take him out?


CBS are like my x-grilfriend, elegantly proud and beutiful... And ready to rip your still beating heart out the second you get too close.


That's crazy!!! I have had two in two other tanks of mine and never had them eat a fish!!! Or crabs for that matter. They always just came out and ate during feeding time and were one of my favorite things two watch in the tank.


Active Member
I HAD one, I keep wondering what was happening to my Skunk's, then one day I finally caught him in the act at night with a cleaner in his claws. Needless to say the CBS is no longer a member of my tank.

jonny bolt

Sounds like you got a brute lol. Mine is HUUUUGE, I have never even seen one in real life as big as mine, but he hasnt eaten any of my fish. I have him in a 72g bowfront with a Decorated Goby, Valentini Puffah, Flame Angel, Blue Devil Damsel, and a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion. I have seen the CBS take a swipe at the Damsel before, but he cant catch him.
You should try hand-feeding your CBS. Its probably not fed enough, and it could be starved N hungry, which would explain why it is resorting to eatin tha fishies. I have a homemade "feeder"...its a piece of clear acrylic with a fork at the end and it holds a piece of krill or silverside, etc., and I just lower it down to the CBS and he pulls the food out.


Active Member
i agree with Johnny, They need to be fedd on a regular basis, hand fed.I would take that one back ,he sounds like trouble and get a different one and feed it regularly , I feed mine twice a week and he hasnt touched any of my fish.I have had him over 2 years