Coral banded shrimp


How many have had trouble with there CBS's?
I have had my CBS for about 4 months in my six month old reef tank. It is a 37gal. with about 45lbs. of rock. I have a cleaner shrimp and two peppermint shrimp that have been with him for quite some time.
I just wonder if I am going to have to try to catch him eventually?

rabid frog

Active Member
I have a coral banded too... the only problem when i got home is that one of his large arms fell off, im told it will
back on his next molt. The only other prob i have is that he never comes out!!


Mine is out all the time, and when I check after the lights go out he is usually on the prowel. I don't think he has ever hurt anything though. Once I saw him jump on our new lawnmower blennie and he just went on and didn't hurt him. I worry some now because we just got two new firefish.
The arm will come back and you will be amazed how fast.

rabid frog

Active Member
kool i am so happy to hear about his arm growing back. I have a blue damsle that wanted to mess with the coral banded but my banded bandit (my name for him) let him have it and the dmasel hasnt been back by him since. I dont have any other fish because I had 2 tank raised clowns and a bi-color blenni but they all died the same day..... found out a had a dramatic dropp in my ph levels. So im waiting for my tank to level out and then try my luck again


As the CBS gets larger it seems to become more aggressive. He may start attacking the smaller fish in the tank. Some though have had these without problems. Make sure that it is weel fed. This might keep him from being on the prowl.


Active Member
I agree with wolffam. As the CBS gets bigger it will tend to become more agressive toward his tankmates, especially in smaller tanks. I had one a few months ago in my 45g and noticed he started harassing my fish but never could catch them. THAN.. one day i caught him chowing on my cleaner shrimp and needless to say, the next day the CBS was out of the tank. It really made me mad to loose the usefullness (and expense) of the cleaner shrimp. Hope you all have better luck with your CBS than i did.


Active Member
I had a coral banded shrimp for a few weeks, and although I did not see it happen, I believe it attacked and ate my 2 peppermint shrimp. I was out of town and returned to find them missing. The CBS was the only suspect in the 55.
I tried to catch'm with 2 nets but it kept hiding in the LR.
Don't laugh - but to get it out of the tank I took a small length of 4 lb test fishing line and tied a whole silverside to it. Dangled in front of the CBS and it would grab for it. After a few attempts it finally got a good grasp of it and I slowly pulled it out of the rock and slipped a net under it. Back to the lfs for credit.
Maybe some others have suggestions on catching them as well.
Good luck,
Brian ;)


Active Member
jond, i chased it around with a net, moved all of my rock and still couldn't catch it. I got real pissed off and finally used two nets to sort of pin it(gently, he he) to the side of the tank. My wife than scooped it up in another net and brought it back to lfs. I learned the hard way with this shrimp.
As old yeller said, they are very pretty, but have no place in a reef setting when you also have other benificial shrimp in the tank. :) HTH