coral banded shrimp


Has anyone ever known of coral banded shrimp to kill fish? We have a tank that's over two years old and had a clownfish for about the same amount of time. The clownfish survived two moves and a hefty bout with red slime algae. He was a pretty tough little fish.
However, we recently introduced two yellow damsels, a pseudochromis, and a coral banded shrimp to the tank. We noticed, right away, that the damsels were quite agressive, one in particular. Recently, the clown fish and the pseudochromis have both died.
Our water is fine and all else seemed normal, so we have reason to beleive that one of the new tankmates have killed them. I wanted to see if the damsels or the shrimp were to blame.
anyone have any ideas? We would like to get some new fish but would like to remove the guilty parties, beforehand. thanks.


New Member
Yes, I'd agree that the damsels are most likely the guilty party. I've had my CBS for two years, and although he will occasionally "jump" at a passing fish in a half-hearted manner, I think the only way they would actually kill a fish is if they happened to get a really lucky "catch" on a really small fish.
I HAVE heard people blame them for killing fish, but I think that's simply b/c they find the CBS dining on the remains..... they are scavengers, that's what they are supposed to do.

scopus tang

Active Member
CBS will kill fish. I've actually seen a CBS catch a perfectly healthy fish that was sleeping (in the morning before lights were on) by the tail and kill it. The bigger the CBS gets, the more aggressive it will become. In fact there was a thread on here a long while back about this same topic.
my cbs tries to catch my fish but has yet to do so, ive had him for over a year, ive even seen him look as if he was cleaning my yellow tang. i added a diamond goby a few days ago now my cbs is missing both of his claws.
now he just wonders around unable to "try" and play catch.


Active Member
CBS are opportunists and WILL kill a fish if they can catch one. However, I think in your tank it's more likely that one of the damsels did it.