Coral Banded Shrimp


Girlfriend really wants to put a Coral Banded shrimp in our tank. Have done some research and from what I have read I don't think it will bother what I have in the tank now, or will be bothered by anything I have in the tank now. I have read that they should be fed on a daily basis, though. The Peppermint Shrimp I have now is contantly eating off of my live rock and everytime I feed the rest of the tank he very rarely will get any of the food. Will the Coral Banded shrimp be the same way, or will I have to put food next to him to make sure he gets some?
Also, the Coral Banded shrimp are not harmful in anyway are they? My girlfriend rarely will put some food in her hand and let our Peppermint Shrimp crawl all over her hand and arm and eat the food. Could we do the same with the Coral Banded?
ONE MORE QUESTION!! Shrimp don't have to be QT'ed, right? I have a QT setup but have read other posts that I believe stated that shrimp do not have to be QT'ed. Just wanted to confirm.
Thanks for all your help!


CB shrimp will not eat from your hand, they are usually pretty skidish.(sp?) No you dont have to put them in a QT tank either. Just drop 'em on in.


yeah CBS are very skiddish. Mine hides behind my rock work and only comes out at night. Also if he loses an arm don't freak, it'll grow back. Mine lost one of his arms after the first night in the tank but he molted it back so all is well.


dont just drop them in!!!...:eek: you dont have to QT them;) , but they need to go though a nice and long acclimation period... ;)
the directions on this board are pretty good (see u-build it pages)
but in short.. put the bag the shrimp is in, into your tank for a 1/2 hour (for the temp acclimation)
then get an air hose, and drip your tankwater into the bag with your shrimp.. quadrouple the water in about 4 hours.
then you shrimp can be dropped in:D


:) My CB shrimp used to hide behind the L/R so we rarely saw him.We moved him to my smaller tank and now he makes himself visible and when he sees the feeding stick or me walking near the tank he comes running out to eat.He likes squid,minnows,ocean plankton.He come w/ one arm but grew a new one in just a couple of weeks. He brightens up my tank, especially when he's walking around.:D



Originally posted by elan
dont just drop them in!!!...:eek: you dont have to QT them;) , but they need to go though a nice and long acclimation period... ;)
the directions on this board are pretty good (see u-build it pages)
but in short.. put the bag the shrimp is in, into your tank for a 1/2 hour (for the temp acclimation)
then get an air hose, and drip your tankwater into the bag with your shrimp.. quadrouple the water in about 4 hours.
then you shrimp can be dropped in:D

Is all that really necessary? Back when i had my two 30 gallon tanks a few years ago i was never told to do that by my LFS.. maybe thats why my livestock kept dieing all the time. :(


I just dropped him in. His name is Pinchy and he likes tormenting Damsels and eating flake fish food. I think 4 hours is a little excessive. Just my .02


I have a pair of mated CBS and they enjoy cleaning themselfs and picking up flake food off the bottom. I aclimatized them for about an hour. They are also ver skiddish.


the longer the acclimation period, the better chance you have of not having any problems.... especially with inverts.... JMO and my .02


Mine will eat out of my hand. The pinchers arent strong enuff to hurt you so dont worry about them pinching you. I have had mine for about 2 years now.