coral banded shrimp


I just got him last night and two blue legs. Awsome... he started eating as soon as i put him in. I left the light off all night because I wanted him to adjust... but today when I turned it on he went from the top of the rock to underneith and hid. Hes hanging upside down just chillin..... is this normal???
DO you feed these guys or do they just eat off all the algel growth I have>???
Crabs are both sticking close to each other.. is this normal??
Just making sure all is well with them


my cbs hangs upside down all day and usually only comes down to eat and stuff like that. i don't feed mine i just let him eat algae and pick up the scrapes. he is usually more active when the lights are off on the tank. hope this helps.


Active Member
It is normal for the CBS to hide during the day. Typically they are scavenger. They are carnivores so they will not eat algae but will scavenge for left over fish food.


ekk, well that means I need to get some fish food then because I dont have any fish yet.
what kind do they like?


they will pick at the LR. Also dont be surprised to see it with a mouthful of a hermit crab every once in a while. I feed mine Krill, mysis, plankton, chopped clam, and he catches the brine also. He will also eat any small fish that he can catch. I feed mine 2 very small dominos once. Mine is the best and eats out of my hand too. Enjoy him.


Active Member
I feed my tank normal flake food and morsel food. I guess the CBS likes it... They will also eat bristle worms.


Mine eats fish food and anything he can get a hold of. He is always trying to catch my damsels. When we first got him he lost an arm, but molted it back after two weeks.
Watch out for the molts, they look just like him. I thought mine got eaten by my Pufferfish because I saw a molt on the back of the tank but he was hiding behind some rocks. Scared me :eek:


does this mean that he's going to get my fish??? Should I be leary of buying certain fish???
jjman, yours sounds like he does exactly what mine is doing, so i guess i wont be worried about him hanging under the rock.


They normally don"t eat the fish that are alive but if something dies it will eat it if the fish get too close it will reach out at it (my seargeant major damsel would swim just close enough to aggravate my cbs) I used to feed mine shrimp pellets and krill he would also catch the flake food that I fed my fish.Then when one of my scarlet hermits died he ate it and died 2 days later. :(


aww thats too bad.
I have one more question. Now that I have some info on my tank
I would like to be able to list it at the bottom of my posts like everyone else does but I dont know how to do this.
can someone tell me where you put this info in??
I want it to list
10 gal nano
170 pengune
100 reef light
1 coral banded shrimp
2 blue leg hermits
haha short list i know... but just wait!! Give it 6 months haha:D


Active Member
Should be the same place that you have your "Becky :)". Go to user cp and go into edit profile. The signature area is where you put it in.


Keep a good eye on him. I put in two cleaner shrimp, and one came up missing and I thought my anemone ate him, then the next day the other cleaner was gone, and I got to looking and my CBS was eating him. He is mean as hell. He chases my sally lightfoots and my peppermints. I guess the cleaners weren't scared of him and became lunch.


My cb's have never attacked anything in my tank. Hmmm maybe I got lucky and got some nice ones.;)