Coral banded shrimp


What is everyones experience with coral banded shrimp? I got one last week ( good size for the $ from SWF ) and its been hiding between 2 rocks all week. Swf description of them says they like to be out in full view. Will it come out once it gets used to the tank ? I also got 2 flame red scallops,at first they were so funny like the wind up chattering teeth thing , but after the first day they hide in the rocks. Same with the sand sifting crabs, they went right in the crushed coral.I saw one the other day swimmig around with the clown fish and blue damsel chasing it and biting it.Last night one of them was being torn apart by 2 emerald crabs. It stinks to get stuff and not be able to see them cause they hide all day.Sorry for rambling on. Thanks for any input.


Well as far as the coral banded shrimp.. he will come put. Once mine got used to the tank he was out and about more and more. Especially when I feed the tank... he's first in line!! Lots of fun to watch. Wait until he molts! thats just sooo cool. But make sure you take the molt out of the tank as soon as you see it!
Hope this helps!


well like anything else that dies... the molt is dead "skin" or shell and it can lead to an ammona spike later on if left in there .
I just though I should throw with in as a piece of advice.
They molt about 2 times a month .. if that. Some other things that molt... humm I believe some kinds of crabs.
You might want to do a search on here "molts" and will probably get a bunch of posts to read.
Hope I have helped!!! :)


actually the molt is mostly made of calcium, not skin so you can leave it in and it will be consumed by various things in the tank over time releasing the calcium back in the tank. Or if you don't like seeing it you can feel free to remove it. either way it won't cause an amonia spike.