coral-banned butterfly

arch scot

yesterday i recieved a coral banned butterfly from a buddy that purchased and stuck it i his aggresive tank and it just stayed behind the rock. He gave it to me and its now out in the open but isn't vety active, i'm not sure if his feeding. Will he survive and what can i do to help him out??


Originally Posted by arch scot
yesterday i recieved a coral banned butterfly from a buddy that purchased and stuck it i his aggresive tank and it just stayed behind the rock. He gave it to me and its now out in the open but isn't vety active, i'm not sure if his feeding. Will he survive and what can i do to help him out??
they r pickie try different type frozen foods it took mine a while to eat but does very well


Active Member
Are you talking about a "Banded Butterfly", or a "Copperband Butterfly"? I don't think I know of a fish called a "Coral Banded".


Originally Posted by arch scot
what do your feed yours
mine will eat most frozen foods and he does pick on the live rock a lot as well he also will eat small pieces of romaine lettuce that break off from the other fish eating it


Active Member
I thought about getting a Copper Banded Butterfly fish awhile back but read that they can be finincky eaters.
Some refuse to eat or may accept only live foods. Have you tried mysis shrimp to get it started eating?