yeah put them in together...they will mate and be happy. good for their health. we call them coral flame beauties. dont worry, i tried it in my 5 gallon nano tank. they live together happily. i ahve 2 female flame angels and one male coral beauty. i also have a
2 1/2 gallon tank, with 2 purple tangs....they never fought....ever. both tanks are equipped with peguin mini bio-wheel filters....i ahve several corals in each protien skimmers. corals include: fox face, gonapora, finger leather, and brain coral. inverts include: 20 blue legged hermits and 10 scarlet hermits in my 5gal. and 10 blue and 10 scarlets in my 2 1/2gal. both tanks also have a bi color blenny, and a spotted mandarin. one last thing, 5 gallon has 2lbs LR, 5lbs LS. 2 1/2 has 1 LR, 2lbs LS. talented
good luck with ur coral flame beauty mix