Coral Beauty Angel in reef tank ?????


Does anyone have any input about adding a Coral Beauty Angel to a reef tank with several corals? I have a large Torch hosting a pair of Percs, a hammer, a Frogspawn, several shrooms and some polyps. I just heard that the Coral Beauty may damage some of the corals. Help! He only has two more weeks of quarantine. Thanks in advance. helipilot :help:

bob a.

Anything is possible, but Coral beauties are generally reef safe. I had one, he never picked on anything. We lost him when the power went out after hurricane isabel.


I have 1 in my 90 reef w/ 6 diff. types of shrooms zoos and it doing great!
took it a couple of months before it started to swim in plain view.....just shy


Active Member
At first I thought my coral beauty was picking at my corals, but I think they are just misunderstood. I think they just like to graze on the algae that is on the rock and sometimes the coral. I didnt think mine was reef safe, but now in my tank I have zoos, mushrooms, hammercoral, frogspawn, star polyps, and one acro. Mine is about 3" now, I say go for it. In the wild they are in reefs so why not your tank.


New Member
I have mine in a reef tank. He grazes all day but never destroys any corals. Expects a algae wafer every evening. Great fish!


Active Member
of all angels (dwarf or large), the coral beauty has the best reputation in a reef aquarium. I have had one for over a year with no problems. in fact, most dwarf angels won't bother corals as long as the fish are well fed, even though the angels carry an 'iffy' reputation.


Active Member
I have had one in my tank for years with only one small problem. He leaves every coral alone, except a pulsing xenia colony that I put in there one. It lasted all of 2 days and he had eaten it all!!! Guess he just liked the taste! Other than that, he has been a model citizen in my reef!


We recently added a Coral Beauty and Flame Angels to our 250 reef. They haven't picked at any of the corals (so far).


Active Member
Same here as what everybody else has little beauty has been in my tank for at least 7 months now. I have frogspawn, a devil's hand leather, mushrooms and zoos, and she's never bothered anything. Pretty much she grazes on the rock, glass, sand all day.
Lisa :happyfish