coral beauty angel


I just put a yellow gordonian in my tank. My coral beauty wont leave it alone, he doesn't pick on anything else in the tank. Is he hurting it? anyone else have a problem like this?


Active Member
Yeah, you got one of the cb's that pick polyps. Some will, some won't. I've had some that just eat xenia, and one that just ate gorgonians. Not a reef safe coral beauty this time.


Yeah thats my luck He never picked on anything else. so I thought he'd be safe. thank for the info.


Active Member
The ones that do peck, peck at most softies. i've seen one clear a baseball-sized birds nest in 2 days. That.s the only one I saw mess with an sps.


New Member
As with many fish, what they will pick on is based on the individual animal. In my experience, the coral beauty is most likely to pick on LPS and clams, but individuals have been known to nip at softs and other coral. It is really hit and miss on what your individual fish will pick on. I have one that leaves everything alone, but I traded another one that wouldn't leave my sea fans alone. Doing several intervals of feeding throughout the day sometimes cuts back on the nipping, but is no guarantee these fish will stop nipping once they start.


Active Member
Yall got me scared there for a second. Mine doesnt pick on anything that I know of... Ever heard of one going crazy down the road and messing with things it previously left alone?