Coral Beauty Angelfish


New Member
My beautiful angelfish is swimming in a circle, occasionally comes to the top panting for air. Water quality is good, was checked, was sick staying near the bottom of the tank for the last 3 days.
I isolated him this morning from the other fish. Help!!


New Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
what are the water parameters and is this a new fish? (did you just get it 3 days ago)
The parameters are fine. I even went to the ***** and had the water checked. I've had the angelfish for 2 months at least. I have added no new fish. I only have 4. Tang, clownfish, a couple of blunnies, and damsel.
Everything was fine until 3 days ago. The fish started hiding behind rocks and wouldn't come up to eat. Yesterday tried, but could only get half way up to the top. Couldn't reach the food.


New Member
Originally Posted by msgail5325
The parameters are fine. I even went to the ***** and had the water checked. I've had the angelfish for 2 months at least. I have added no new fish. I only have 4. Tang, clownfish, a couple of blunnies, and damsel.
Everything was fine until 3 days ago. The fish started hiding behind rocks and wouldn't come up to eat. Yesterday tried, but could only get half way up to the top. Couldn't reach the food.
The angel is swimming in a constant circle. Twice today it went crazy, flipping and grasping for air at the top. Then calmed down and went back to the circles. I have him in a separate little boxed net, away from the other fish. He's so pretty, I hate to lose him.


Active Member
do you have plenty of hiding places for the coral beauty? i am just wondering if this behavior is due to stress. what size tank is it in?
'fine' tells me nothing about the condition of your water. you really should test your own water so you know the specific parameter is for each test. this will also help to identify a problem early on. lfs have been known to tell people what they want to hear rather than tell them what si really going on in their tank. this way they get you as a repeat buyer. coral beaty likes to graze on algae all day long. is your tank mature enough for this fish?


New Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
do you have plenty of hiding places for the coral beauty? i am just wondering if this behavior is due to stress. what size tank is it in?
'fine' tells me nothing about the condition of your water. you really should test your own water so you know the specific parameter is for each test. this will also help to identify a problem early on. lfs have been known to tell people what they want to hear rather than tell them what si really going on in their tank. this way they get you as a repeat buyer. coral beaty likes to graze on algae all day long. is your tank mature enough for this fish?
I was also wondering if the problem is stress related. The tank is 85 gal and yes I did test the water and it seemed ok but to be sure I carried a sample to the store. He is still swimming in a circle, tail down and in the boxed net.
The tang seemed to chase after him for the last 2 days and I don't know if he was stressed over that or the tang did it because the angel is ill.
Wish I knew what do do.


that bow net might not be a good idea . do u have a qt tank they dont like being in small spaces and is probably stressing him out.


I had a clown fish that did that. Started circles after I added top off water. I assumed it was air bladder disfunction maybe he got air when I poured the water in. He never did eat either and after a week I couldn't stand watching him so I had him put down. Good luck.


New Member
Originally Posted by beadmaker
I had a clown fish that did that. Started circles after I added top off water. I assumed it was air bladder disfunction maybe he got air when I poured the water in. He never did eat either and after a week I couldn't stand watching him so I had him put down. Good luck.
I was told it is probably a bladder disfunction and I'm really upset about it.
I think the tang probably stressed him out althought they were in the same tank for 2 months.


Active Member
bladder disfunction is not that common from what i have read, I would make sure its not something else.
Only time i have seen any of my fish act funny like that is when my ph took a dive, My angel was also gasping.
what are your params?


Originally Posted by CGRANT
bladder disfunction is not that common from what i have read, I would make sure its not something else.
Only time i have seen any of my fish act funny like that is when my ph took a dive, My angel was also gasping.
what are your params?
Yes, exact parameters would be helpfull here.


Active Member
misgail5325 wrote;
.....Wish I knew what do do.
If you post information about your tank, like size, filtration, substrate, live rock or not, and the most major thing water parameters which has been asked for 3 times with an answer from you of "they are fine" you might get some real help, but from most information you have given everything is just a vague guess so please post your water parameters.