coral beauty dead???

salt phish

I have a 55 Fo tank established aprox. 1 year........ coral beauty dead this morning ....check water.... it was a ok.. She has been in the tank aprox 6 months. The only thing I have put in the tank recently was an orange eyed sea urchin.. about three weeks ago.... I have noticed it has been very active in the last few days...... could it have killed the angel while sleeping?????? My current live stock is two cleaner shrimp, false percula, fiji devil fish, 3 stripe damsel, black axel damsel,royal grama... and aprox 20 snails...... any ideas??


thats strange that you had that problem because the same thing happened to me with my angel. I've had my tank running for just under a year and a few months back I introduced a flame angel. The fish was fine for a little over a month. Nothing seemed to be wrong except the usual aggresion from the royal gramma. My water and all my levels were fine. It was very unusual because I just woke up and found him dead. The only thing that I can think of that happened is that the gramma must've stressed him out to the point of death.


Active Member
was she eating? also from what i have read if a fish is collected by using cyanid that it can die like a month later for no reason even if its eating


Active Member
my money would say that the damsel's may have stressed the coral beauty to death. remember, in the wild, these fish can swim away from stress, but not in our 4ft tanks.
also, you didnt post your parameters. maybe there was a sudden change that didnt help also?

salt phish

tank has been steady for a year or so...... NOO fish gave her any trouble.....everyone let her in there "zone" even the damsels....she ate off all the rocks....mosing along....she even let the cleaner shrimp .... do a'little cleaning.... I am confused???? MY parameters...... amonia ....0 salinity 1.0235.... ph 8.0 ...... wich has been steady for a year....alkalinity... ok.... temp 80 ..... ????????????????


Active Member
Unfortunately there are a lot of things we don't see and can't test for. Fish suddenly die all the time in this hobby and most, I am afraid, will never be explained. There may simply not be an could be something missing from the diet (angels need a pretty diverse diet - what were you feeding?), it could be some untestable water issue, it could be some behavioral thing that you couldn't see...I am afraid it is part of the "cons" of the hobby. Even when the fish survive the collecting and transport, they'll ultimately die for other reasons. Very few fish in captivity live anywhere near their normal life spans. When it happens after a few years, we are often content that it was a success...but it is a great frustration when you are only given a few months.
But, FWIW, I would say the urchin had nothing to do with it.