Coral Beauty eaten up


New Member
I have recently Qt my Coral Beauty because he was being attacked by my other fish. He's eaten up really bad. Should I leave it in the HT and wait or is there a better method to help it regrow its fins?:notsure:


Active Member
what other fish beat it up? imo quarantine it because it is most likely stressed out and that can lead to ick. its better for him to get ick in the quarantine tank than in ur main tank caus ethen ur gonna have real problems. make sure he has hiding spots to hide so he feels safe. his fins should grow back soon. there is still the chance that when u introduce him back into the main tank that he will be beaten up again, so keep an eye on him.


Staff member
He must stay in the QT. Is it just the fins? How is he doing otherwise? Who is the aggressor?


New Member
I have a salfin, yellow eye and scopas tangs. A yellow wrasse and a tomato clown. Not sure who's the bully.