Coral Beauty has ick


Well, I've seen this coming for a while. It stated up over his eyes little white spots, but he's so hard to get a good look at I wasn't sure if thats what i was seeing. Now I looked at him today and he's covered in white "stuff" on his sides as well. This really sucks, I'm new to the SW thing and was hoping to avoid the Ick problem. ok so here's what I have in the tank 55g.
1 gold striped maroon clown
1 blue damsel
1 yellow tang
1 coral beauty
2 bulb tip anenomes
1 pink tipped anenome
1 feather duster
1 Skunk cleaner shrimp
1 blood red cleaner shrimp
5 or 6 snails
5 or 6 hermit crabs
60 lbs LR
the reason I bought the shrimp was to help prevent this disease, the coral beauty has been frequently coming over and getting "worked over" by my shrimp but it doesn't appear it's helped him. I've read that copper based medications will harm the shrimp and anenomes. What should i do? I don't have a QT, I wish i did but... well i don't... any suggestions? is he doomed, i'll try to get a pic with the digital camera later so you can asses the Patient. tks


Staff member
You will have to set up a QT. There is no choice if you want to treat the ich.
Setting up a QT and the threatment for ich are both discussed in the FAQ section at the top of this forum.


Ok, so i need a QT tank, i'm in the process of reading the long long list of things i need to do. Couple of questions so far...
I have a fluval 304 on my 55g tank, will i need that expensive of a filter for my QT?
If i take water from my tank, put it in my QT, (and replace like a water change) will it cycle in the new tank or be ready to go? should i put a shrimp in the QT?
any help would be great, I'm losing my faith in my ability to keep fish...


oh yeah, and will the fish get sick again once i re-introduce them back in the 55g? should i get rid of all the water in that tank? or is it just the fish that have the parasites and not the water... A lot of questions i know, but I feel like i'm watching alot of my money die a slow and miserable death :(