Coral Beauty needs your Help


We have just started a 40 gallon saltwater tank. Everything cycled well and we have had a yellow tang and a coral beauty for 6 days. The tang has eaten well since his arrival, but the coral beauty has been slow to eat. (we are feeding small pellets and frozen brine shrimp) At first both fish swam the entire tank. Now the tang seems to dominate all but 1 small corner of the tank, whizzing by everytime the coral beauty tries to get out of his spot in the rocks. Any suggestions on something that the coral beauty would love to eat or how to tame the tang would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
The Tang will be hard to tame. They are pretty much open water swimmers, and will constantly pace the length of your tank. The longer the tank the better, and IMO a 40g is probably too small for a Tang.
You might try enticing the Coral Beauty to eat by soaking its food in garlic extract for a little while before actual feeding time. You should also try offering a variety of foods such as mysis, krill, formula 1/2, Prime Reef, and brine as a treat or to entice eating.


Thank you! The tank is a stretch hex...the dealer said that the tang would be a great fish to start with. Guess I will learn to to my own research.
The pellets have garlic in them. Should I still soak in garlic extract? I will go get some other treats to try!


Get the tang back to the lfs - 40 Way to small.
The coral beauty shoudnt have been added till atleast the tank being 6 months old.
Find a new lfs.