Coral Beauty Not eating!



I have a new (1 ½ week) coral beauty that will not eat. When I got him I put him in the qt tank and he went to work eating the alga from the PVC pipe but now that its clean he still does not eat the food I put in for him. I have tried Formula Two Alga flakes, Frozen Shrimp, Live Shrimp, Spectra (what the LFS used). Does any one else have any ideas?
Please help a newbe


Maybe if you soaked the food in garlic, ...
That usually gets mine in a eating frenzie..and its a good immune booster for them,,
Give it a try, it might help..
when i got mine .. i foolheartedly put him in the main tank instead of a qt but lucky for me no illness hass happened . he has been eating like a champ since day one.. i change the foods and feed twice a day ,, Frozen brine shrimp,flakes,sinking morsels and even silversides .... maybe change the food offer something different .. good luck ;)


Active Member
Try some nori or seaweed selects on a lettuce clip. That's usually the first thing they will pick on.


I just recently bought a coral beauty and posted the same took mine 4-5 days to finally eat, at first it wouldn't even look at the food (frozen brine) and then it would grab it and spit it out and now it is eating like a champ. I called the lfs and they said all you can do is hope that it turns around and eats (great advice, huh?)
I got lucky, everyone told me about the garlic so maybe try that, I didn't have to go that far. You'll get the answer you need from the more pros at this, I just wanted u to know u werent alone with the problem. ;)


it seems that drawf angles are sometimes hard to kickstart to feeding. my experience is to try to buy one that you know is eating at the lfs. keep trying different things. my flame starting eating the dat it arrived from and hasn't stopped. a good healthy fish is important.


Thanks for all the great advice.
I went out and got garlic this weekend and tried that. I have been soaking his flake, pellet, and frozen food in it and Going to give him some today.
He has begun to sniff out the flake food so maybe he starting to come around.


My coral beauty was doing the same and not eating but after about 4 days he is now eating fine...I feed mostly frozen green algea, red algea with sponges, and dry seawead select and every once in a while frozen brine shrimp..