Coral Beauty with Glassy Eye


New Member
Our coral beauty angel seems to have something wrong with one of her eyes. One looks normal and the other looks like there's a small glass covering over the entire eye. Is the glassy eye wrong or is the other eye missing the small glass dome? Also, we purchased a cleaner shrimp yesterday and the coral beauty has been bugging him for a cleaning ever since we added him. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm very new to all of this. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Go to the disease forum and look up Pop-eye. Do you think that is what it is?
A picture is attached below to show you what it looks like. Beth posted this picture in the other forum so I copied it for you.
Denise M.


nemo's mom

I had one with a glass looking eye when I bought it. It wasn't pop-eye. I just started soaking food with garlic and it went away after a few weeks. No problems since


New Member
This is almost certainly a trauma. The fish bumped into something, possibly in the dark. If both eyes balloon or 'pop' out, that's probably bacterial, and you should quarantine and give him a broad spectrum antibiotic, Maracyn-Two is fairly decent. However, one eye rules that out. Just keep a good diet and it should resolve itself.