Coral beauty with HLLE


Hi all,
While looking at my fish last night I noticed an area behind my CB's eye's that was grayish and looked pitted. I came to this trusty site and saw a picture of what it looks like and that is HLLE. It has yet to spread from the area it is in now. I've read it has to do with diet and water quality. The diet consist of Marine flake food, Formula 1, frozen brine shrimp and some home made stuff I made using the items suggested in the post by Beth above. If I'm right about this and HLLE has to do with water quality I think that's the culprit. I used tap to fill up my 110G which was 4 months ago. I have been using RO/DI on all top off's and water changes since. I have no idea how to remove HLLE or if you can? Also how fatal is it to my CB? It's still very active and eats like a pig. Thanks for any help


Staff member
What type of setup do you have? Do you have LR?
What filters do you use? Wet/Dry or carbon? Give some more details about your tank setup. Also, do you have phosphates?
How does your RO water test for nitrates? How does your new salt water test for nitrates?
Add some more greens to the angel diet using SeaWeed Selects or Nori seaweed sheets that you can get from the LFS.
Soak your food, except seaweed sheets, in ZOECON.
Start using a ground probe if you don't already have one.


Thanks for the response Beth. I have 160 lbs of LR in my tank. I'm using a canister filter at the moment. Nothing added inside the canister filter, just the filters it came with to trap larger debris. Along with that I'm running a skimmer and 2 PH's that put out about 250-300 gph. I've never tested for phoshates but I'm sure my tap water has some in it, I'll have to get a test to check out my RO/DI water though. Nitrates are 0 as are Ammonia and Nitrites in my RO/DI water. Just picked up some greens today as you suggested. I'll definatly get some ZOECON and no I don't use a grounding probe I don't believe. I have all my PH's and such plugged into a surge protector, where would I connect a grounding probe to my tank? Also, I was thinking about doing 10G water changes every 3-4 days with RO/DI water, do you think that'll help out at all? Thatnks again for the info:D


Staff member
What kind of media or filters are in the the canister?
The grounding probe is to eliminate, or significantly reduce stray voltage IN YOU TANK due to the electrical equiptment used in and around the tank, such as pumps, heaters, etc. It has nothing really to do with surge protection. You must, however, plug the grounding probe into a grounded electrical socket. Using the grounding probe frequently will resolve HLLE problems.
Soak the food mix you are using in Zoecon for about 1/2 hr in the fridge.


Nothing in the canister. Just foam pads to catch any large debris that gets sucked into it. I'm basically just using it to help with water flow until I get my fuge up and running. Where could I find a grounding probe? Do you think home depot would have 1?


Staff member
The grounding probe I am referring to is a hobby equiptment so you should look for it at your LFS, or online stores. They usually run around $12-15.


Staff member
It could be immediately or it may be a week or 2. HLLE is a complicated disease that can have varing causations. You need to hit on the problem that is causing it in your fish.
Good luck and keep us posted on progress!


just to add to Beth's advice...i've had success curing HLLE on one of my tangs by mixing my homemade food with some Kent Marine C (viatmin C)