Coral Beauty


Their is a Coral Beauty at the lfs that they just got in yesterday. Right now I have 9 fish in my 44 gal tank and would like to add another. What is everyones opinion on the Coral Beauty. I'd love to get it but I didn't want to crowd my FO tank. What do you think?


The coral beauty in one of my (and many others) favorite fish. 9 fish + the coral seems too crowded though. Dump some of the other fish. A mature tank plus live rock will create a healthy home for him. If you decide to go for it make sure you observe him eating at your lfs. Wish you the best! Sergio


I started with 6 damsels. Took most of them back but I still have 2 left and wanted to keep them to cycle the 90 gal that I'll get for Christmas. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't overcrowd. I can remove the damsels and put in the QT. Thanks for your opinion. I think I'll go for the Coral Beauty.