Coral Beauty


what all should i feed my coral beauty, i just got him yesterday i put in some emerald entree since they eat algea and alot of plants. he didnt seems to eat any of that he seemed content to just pick stuff off my rock.and will he go ok with the 2 gold maroons i have that havnt paired yet. hes doing ok right now but he seems to be hiding alot which i figures normal. this is the first fish ive had that will turn sideways and go into the tinyest places just so i cant see him and he can see me(kinda like hind and go seek).


55 gallon huh? Well I'm not entirely sure but I will be willing to bet that you could have an explosive possibility on your hands, Maroons and CB's are both nice fish, but those maroons are really territorial. If they decide they don't like that CB then he is in trouble. You will just have to wait and see, I have the feeling that this will just be a hit or miss combination. I have kept both fish but never at the same time so I'll leave my comments at the guessing stage.
You might look for some formula one and nori sheets for your CB, I had sucess with those foods as well as Omega-one flakes.
Good luck with them.


Well-Known Member
I have a coral beauty and a yellow tank in my 55g. Both do like plants but eat just about anything. I feed both once per day with a turkey baster and plain old flake food. they are constantly grazing the live macros in my tank also.
could be he just needs time to settle down. Hold off on feeding for a couple of days. Especially if he is not eating now. All the uneaten food could really foul up the water. If things are ok he should be eating fine when you resume feeding.
edit: and my coral beauty does go sideways to get behind my back wall in tank refug. There is a little slot under my HOB overflow/skimmer box. He gets horizontal the slips under and stays behind the egg crate for a few minutes. Then comes out. Interesting.


My coral beauty lives peacefully in a 55g community tank, with common clown but no maroons. He eats frozen brine/ mysis, flakes and is always in and out of the rocks. Dwarf angels can be secretive by nature to avoid predators, but hopefully yours will settle in nicely over time.


when i saw him i just had to get him he was more beatiful then the flame i saw there. he is brightly colored if i can get a good shot of him i will get a pic. i think he has to get use to me being there. but he already comes out when i walk down the stairs he runs most the time.


People say that Yellow Tangs and Marroon clowns are terretorial but I have one of each in my 65 and they are always right next to each other. n fact the tang won't come out of the rocks until the clown gives him the "all clear". No problems at all...yet!


I have a CB and Maroon together in a 55ga and both are quite content. The CB will come around and eat well once it's comfortable with its surroundings.


yea he seems to be doing fine actually he made the clowns more active they play hide and go seek and none gets hurt they just run and look at each other i havnt seen him eat any food i put in. But he seems to suck on all the algae like a sucker fish on a window. he seems to be real hyper, running in and out of all the live rock. i think he is goin to do good.
thnx for the info.