Coral Beauty


I love mine he is very pieceful and doesn' tpic at anything. I cant speak for all Coral Beautys I am sure there may be a horror story or two out there but mine and friend I know have been a very cool fish in our reef tanks. They can get territoral and you may want to add him after less agressive fish.


I LOVE my coral beauty. I havent had a problem with her yet. Mine has a very timid personality unless provoked by my neon damsel. Then she takes over.


Active Member
One of the few dwarf angels that are acutally reef safe (most of the time). Not a bad choice IMO, very colorful fish.

nm reef

Active Member
I had one for a couple of years...not sure why it died...despite reports that they can be coral nippers mine was never a problem. I'm actually considering getting another in the near future.....