Coral Beauty


Active Member
Well, heres a pic of my coral beauty.
This is the thread that tells about his, ummm... shall we say "action packed" beginning?! lol
And the second one i liked because it was blurry, but bright and you can still tell what everything is. IDK, i just thought it was cool lol.



awesome fish but how did u get a pic of it? No matter how long i sit still with my camera the stupid coral beauty i have just hides.


Active Member
really? mine is always out and about. he weaves through all the caves and rocks. its so hard to get a pic of him because hes constantly moving. that 1st pic was 1 of 20 pics that i took, and that was the only good one.


Active Member
oh, well thats just the camera. i cant get the flash NOT to go off lol. in person, the brown looking areas are really a dark dark purple, and the lighter area is a bright orange.
for example: you see part of that fox coral in the first pic? heres a pic i took a while ago without flash (it was a fluke) that shows its true coloration. (of course, one of my other fish has been munching on it



Active Member
Nice JacknJill!! Whats that red stuff at the bottom of pic 1? Is it coraline algae?


Active Member
yep, the stupid stuff grows through the sand! i cant even get to it with a razor blade! so i just deal with it lol. its actually a bit purpler in person.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
the coloration, it looks almost brown
some cb are just dark and ugly and some are bright and awesome


Active Member
yeah i know. thats why i have been waiting for the perfect one to come in at my lfs. when i saw this guy i immediatly told the guy to get him out for me lol