Coral Beauty


I bought a coral beauty and 2 peppermint shrimp two days ago. So far everything seems to be going ok. I bought the beauty w/o checking it for diseases (stupid I know) I got it home and noticed that its left eye is foggy, but anyway it seems to hang around the peppermint shrimp alot, does anyone know if this is an attempt for them to clean it or what is the deal?


Im having the same problem mine is also the left eye wellit started as the left and now its ick so hes qted now but eye still foged up :notsure:

sorry not to have an answer for you but i saw the post and had to look


A cloudy eye could be signs of a few things. Are you noticing any other symptoms? Like heavy breathing, discoloration, swelling of the eye, or any kind of spots or leasions? Look especially close at the fins and gills. Do the fins look frayed? How old is your tank? What are your water perameters? Do you have an available QT?
I know lots of questions, but if we know the answers we can probably help id the problem. Lets hope


my tank is over a year old, there looks like a couple leasions around the eye. It breathes heavily every once and a while mostly when it sees me comming but no signs of ick. It does seem to hide a lot but I see it out grazing on algae too. Water parameters in tank are fine I've only had the fish for about 4 days now and it looks like he wants the peppermint shrimp to clean it?


nevermind there is no lesions around the eye, the only thing that looks wrong is its left eye is puffy and cloudy.


Well if the only problem is with the eye, chances are it is an eye infection. Do you have a QT? I would start feeding galic soaked food atleast 2x daily, soak food in fresh minced garlic 1/2 hour before you feed. Monitor water quality as this amount of feeding may mean more water changes. Second i would do a large water change right now at least 25%. If you have a QT you may want to consider treating with antibotics.
I suggest reading
scroll down to where it talks about pop-eye and eye infections
Good Luck