Coral Beauty


New Member
Do you think that a Coral Beauty would do good in a 40g tank? I'm mostly concerned about the coral beauty, but do u think i could add a pair of clowns or is it pushing it?:confused:


Active Member
I keep on in a 46 bow with a mated pair of australian clowns. They get along just fine. Just make sure your tank is mature and dwarf angels need stable conditions.


New Member
ok thank you... im plannin to cycle it fr 2 months and wait about 1/2 a year-1 yr to put in the coral beauty


Goldmember, good too see you have the patience, in this hobby, patience means alot.
hehehe i like your sig.


Active Member
I think you should wait on adding it to your tank too. I added one to my tank early and it didn't make it. They need a mature and stable tank.


Nice to see someone thats willing to wait for one. You'll reap the benefits of your decision. It wasn't until 2 years that I put mine in my tank and he's doing spectacular!


yeah, u should add the clowns goldmember, after about a month... then u should get two neon gobies and after about six months or as soon as the water conditions stabilize u should get the coral beauty. Maybe u could even add a star fish or some coral and stuff :D :p :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :eek: :confused: :) :( :eek: