Coral Beauty

nm reef

Active Member
It could if the system is stable and well established. They need to have a constant source of algaes to pick and nip at...mine does great in a 55 reef...but i didn't add him until the system had been established for nearly a year. Very kewl fish...always active and beautiful coloration.:cool:


Active Member
Well the LR and LS are from an established tank, there is plenty of coralline on it, The water is the newthing though. Its jst started to cycle, and i wasnt thinking about adding it until the very last moment. It would be the last addition to the tank. What do they usually eat?


i thought coral beauties needed a minimum of 55 gallons. I think they eat flake and prepared angelfish food.
These angels aren't as sensitive as full grown angels, but they are still pretty sensitive to water quality and should be kept in a tank that is established (i.e. 6 months)


Active Member
its an orange stripe prawn goby, that is paired with a pistol shrimp. He doesnt do much swimming, just chillin out in his cave.



Originally posted by NM reef
They need to have a constant source of algaes to pick and nip at...

So you're saying they eat hair algae? Awesome, i'm going to get one.


they eat algae, not sure if its corraline algae though. I think a 30 gallon tank is too small for a coral beauty angel, sorry just my .02


Active Member
Well i dont know if this matters, but the LR and LS came from my 55 i had established for around 7 months. The water in the tank i have now (30 gal) is brand new, im recycling it. Will that make a difference?


Mine didn't touch the hair algae. Matter of fact, nothing I had in the tank would touch it, not even my Queen Conchs.