i have a coral beauty been in display tank for 5 months now. everything has been fine with it untill last week i moved some rocks and the water was very dirty for a few hours. the next evening i noticed his eye was cloudy and assumed it was from the water being cloudy and that it would get better in a few days. he was been scrathing his eye ball on the rocks and it is very cloudy with scratches, not swollen much. it has been like this a day or 2 i thought it would get better but its not now the back part of his top fin is loosing color. im thinkin fin rot.
my question is this. is popeye or fin rot contagious? and is there any way to treat this in the reef tank? i really dont want to tear down the tank to net him
my question is this. is popeye or fin rot contagious? and is there any way to treat this in the reef tank? i really dont want to tear down the tank to net him