Coral Beauty


i have a coral beauty been in display tank for 5 months now. everything has been fine with it untill last week i moved some rocks and the water was very dirty for a few hours. the next evening i noticed his eye was cloudy and assumed it was from the water being cloudy and that it would get better in a few days. he was been scrathing his eye ball on the rocks and it is very cloudy with scratches, not swollen much. it has been like this a day or 2 i thought it would get better but its not now the back part of his top fin is loosing color. im thinkin fin rot.
my question is this. is popeye or fin rot contagious? and is there any way to treat this in the reef tank? i really dont want to tear down the tank to net him


Staff member
I would suggest that you do a large water change with aged water. Start feeding the fish high quality, varied foods, and you can garlic soak the food or add zoecon to the food.
Not much you can do for the fish in a reef tank. Whatever the fish has, it is not likely contagious.


Staff member
Try my suggestion first. If that doesn't work, then you can considering the QT.
You can use Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish. You might want to check around to see if you can find this locally, and, if not, go ahead and order it online just in case it isn't available in your area. However, most LFSs carry it.


i have the fish in quarantine tank now treating with maracyn 2. the eye is alot worse and fin rot is definite.


Staff member
How is the quality of the water in the QT?? If you just set this up, you will need to do water changes constantly to keep the water quality in the tank good.
Just before each redose of the maracyn, be sure to do a water change. If you are having problems with water quality to a change 2x a day.


water quality is perfect, i used water from reef tank and 1/4 inch live sand. have a 125 power filter with bio wheel that has old bio whell from sump off of reef so the water is good and water changes arent that important


the fish has been in QT for over a week and have given all the medicine that came in the package and his eye is still a little swollen and cloudy, the fin rot is alot better if not gone. just worried about the eye, the package said not to use it for more that so many days. and that is all that i had. so should i wait a week and give more meds? or what?


Staff member
Did you get the maracyn two for saltwaterfish? It should have vitimin Bs in it?