Coral Care??


Hi, i just set up a 30gal and ive had my share of problems. I would like to put in corals and i have my eye on some. (green ricordea and orange ricordea mushroom polyps, an orange sun coral.. and maybe a blue spotted or striped or watermelon mushroom polyps.) I have been doing some reasearch online but everything i read tells me something different (ive heard declares of calcium reactors and alkilinity reactors and such). I would like any information you are willing to list about the care and complications of corals, and the upkeep expense based on Personal Experiences. Thank you for your time.


Active Member
I think all but sun coral would great as starter corals. Don't need much light and won't suck out your calcium. Until you start looking at sps and clams I wouldn't worry too much about the fancy calcium gadgets out there. Regular water changes should do most if not all of what you need.
Just make sure all your water parameters are good and then start adding.
Have fun and good luck!


thanks! is there anything else i should know about.. are there any corals i should stay away from or any reason,etc..