coral cat is way to fat..


in my 125 gal is my coral cat had it about 2 yrs now..there was 2 but about 6-8 months ago 1 disappered,anyway the fishes stomach is unbelievably huge and has been for many months,I thought maybe it ate the other cat but I dont think it would have lived if it did(posionius)they both were 5 in..I dont know if this fish lays eggs or has babies,also i've read that these fish are a hazard to the biological filter anyone know of this and why.. nitrates are a little high (80),but this is fowlr-ls..100 plus lbs lr 200 lbs eats well but the stomach like i said is at least 5 times what it should the tank w/ it is a 3in red hawk,5in panther grouper 5in lunar wrasse 2in heniochus 3in sailfin tang 6in snowflake morey..everyone looks great,just really confused about the cat..any exp w/ these is appreciated thanx..
Once a shark is full grown only feed them once every three days.I dont know if this is true about saltwater, but there is an illnes in fresh water fish when fluids build up in the fishes belly.After awhile the fish just lays on the bottom of the tank.