Coral Catshark



This summer, I'm going to try and upgrade to one of three tanks:
240-96" x 24"W x 24"
300-96" x 30"W x 24"
300-72" x 36"W x 29"
What I'm wondering is if I can keep a Coral Catshark in any of these tanks? I also have some compatability questions about the Shark. This is the current stocklist that I am hoping for:
Porky Puffer
Stars n Stripes Puffer
Black Volitan Lion - Maybe
Oyster Toadfish
Gulf Toadfish
SFE - Maybe
Sailfin Tang
Maybe, but unlikely - Large Angel i.e. Queen, Emporer, Blueface, etc.
Too much? And will it work? Sorry for the long post but I seem to be having difficulty finding compatabilty info and such for Coral Catsharks... Thanks!


Active Member
I think that a coral cat would be fine in any of the tanks you listed. The best of the group being the 96" x 30", 300 gallon. Unfortunately the fish you listed are not all compatible. The puffers and angels would pose a serious threat to the shark. And the lion may be ok, as long as the shark is at least as large as the lion, if not bigger. Good luck...


Active Member
I'm with Crimzy on both answers. Tank size is fine, tank mates is not. The puffers and angels may really nip at the shark, rendering the shark defenseless.


Well, it looks like I can't get the shark since the puffers are a 100% have to have. Well, thanks for the help here and fast responses! I'll start a thread regarding the tank build whenever I can for whomever would like to follow!