coral fine yesterday, not so much today


i bought this coral a while back so i forgot the name of it already but it is a hard coral. its a small circle and the when its all oped up its like a bubble sort of and its brown. the skeleton itself is a bunch of lines. well anyways it was doing fine and then when i looked at it today there was a small chunk missing, which is white now, and it was closed up. i did recently add a green serpent star, a shrimp, and a firefish. my water param. are perfect and all other coral are as perfect as can be. another thing i did do was put him right inder a lot of current and up at the top of my tank because i was rearranging my coral. i now moved him so the current wouldnt hit him directly. could that have been it or what else can be causing this. :confused:


Active Member
How long have you had the corel and under what lighting?
It sounds like a LPS, maybe a bubble corel?
They do need feeding and some med. to strong lighting. It sounds like it is receeding. (slowly dying off) How often do you change the bulbs in your lights?
Any more info can help alot.


ive had this coral way over a year, all other corals are fine. just switched bulbs aabout a little over 6 months ago. the only thing i did different was put it right inder the current. what else could it be?
mflee: email me and i will tell you. youre not allowed to post other LFS on the board


I new the name of it but I just forgot, i got it so long ago. ok its a circle and the skeleton is like that of a brain (except a perfect circle) and then the skin is brownish reddish and it bubbles up. iTS kinda like a brain but not really.


btw the coral does look better today. i think it was the direct current all night that messed it up


How about the names of the stores in Miami where you buy your stuff? Sammy says it's okay to list them.


strictly fish
amazing aquariums
exotic aquariums
unlimited aquariums
neptune aquariums
pet shop in westchester mall


i had it in kinda high up in my tank so now i moved it to the bottom. what should i feed it? i fed my fish yesterday and i pushed some food his way but it was the frozen formula 2 food. should i go out and buy some other food? i think i know what happened. i was rearranging the tank and he used to be at the bottom, and i put him all the way at the top right under the lights and right under the current, which i know now was very bad. so how do i fix him?:( :confused:


Active Member
in the description of it, it says it requires low flow ,and medium light, so put it in a place like that, get some frozen brine to spot feed it, how long you have it now? I remember you described it to me but I dont rember the details


i dont usually feed my corals so basically i havent fed anything. there is a couple, that are both marine biologist but they opened a saltwater warehouse and they are very knowledgable and they told me that once the tank is established that it is not necessary to feed the tank. tHey had about 4 really nice reef tanks of their own in the warehouse with fish and they said they fed the tank maybe once every 6 months. I know this might raise some controversy here, but lemme just say that i ive had my tank for about 4 years with barely any problems, and i barely ever feed my tank. i just started feeding the tank now that i got non-scavenging fish. Anyways i really dont think the feeding is the problem here. i really think i shocked him with the light and current because he was fine before. i just wanna know how to fix him or is he already doomed?


Active Member
well I rember you said PCs correct?, and I agree not to over feed, whether its doomed or not, you will have to see , just put it in a good spot, low flow, med light, for now and see what happens:)


I would guess it was like adding new, higher intensity lights to your tank. Normally, you'd need to start high and then lower the light so the corals acclimate. When you raised the was like adding higher intensity light to the tank. I'd bet that was the problem.