Coral for 10 gallon


Alright so i have heard a lot about how certain corals should not be kept in a tank this small. So i was wondering what would be ok in a tank of this size, other than Zoas and mushrooms like i have seen so far (or is this all i can have?)


Really, i can have SPS, i was told that i couldnt have those unless i had MH. This made my day

Also, was wanting to have a leather in there, but i heard that stonys and leathers shouldn't be put close together, which i guess they would in a system this small
Another also, just thinking on down the road, are there any ornamental clams that i can have in a tank this small?


Active Member
yea minature clams lol. just look around. idk about sps and leathers. also who ever told you they couldnt lied!
i was looking for a thread of people who had t5 keeping SPS. but couldnt find it


Cool... I was also wondering what you think about using additives, or would my weekly water changes be enough?

Sorry about all the questions, I just want to make sure i do this right


Active Member
well i use B-ionic, phytoplankton, ph buffer, iodine and thats kinda it. and essential elements. many other people dont use anything but it depends on you. i would but w.e floats your boat.
and dont worry we are here to learn


Active Member
what kind of corals can i put in my 10g tank then also!
Current USA Satellite Dual 2x40 Watt 20"Power Compact Strip Light W/Lunar Light
The Current USA Dual Satellite Power Compact fixture is a dual strip light which contains 1 Dual Daylight Lamp (6700K & 10,000K), 1 Dual Actinic (420nm/460nm) and 1 Lunar Light


Active Member
No not those I ment the tree like corals in demartinis reef thread. But I think they need stronger light. What would my lights be considered medium?


Active Member
Yeah those ones! I think there nice.
and by medium; I always see every site saying corals require low, medium, strong lighting. So I was wondering what mine would fall under.


Active Member
what they mean i think is low being pc med being t5 and high being MH. yet again pc can be med light and t5 can be high light


Active Member
So I'm low to med pretty much.. Hopefully more towards medium lol

So will the birds nest ect. work in my tank under those lights?


Active Member
b.c I already spent 1200 on my 10g tank alone.. plus its my first SW tank so its a trial run.. Plus IM in school and I pay for everything meaning im broke! Its okay ill stick to my original plan
frog spawn
blue and red shroom
bubble coral
maybe sun coral and chilli coral