coral hosts for clowns?


ok ive tried the whole hosting false percs in a anenome and gave up on that. anenomes in my opion are not for a home aquaruim. it killed off my last tank when it died because its a nano. i am more interested in corals now. i only have a 7 gallon nano but my corals are doing amazingly well. today i got a true perc but dont worry everyone hes just a lil guy not a big one. i was just wondering what are some common corals taht the clown fish host. right now i have frog spawn xenia green star polyps and yes i did break down and buy a tulip anenome but there too small to host. and for people thinking about getting an anenome take a look at long tenticle plate corals imo they look better than anenomes but m not sure if they will host clowns. please help with a list of coral hosts thanks


A long tenticled plate anenome is a good choice, they are hearty and will tolerate a clown with them. As far as other corals, you just cannot predict what a clown will take up as its host. Some never seem to host in anything and others choose their favorite spot in a halimeda plant like mine. I would say stay on the side of caution and buy hearty corals suited for your tank and which will be comfortable with a clown. The plate coral is a good choice.