coral ID and help


New Member
I have had my tank for 4 years and over the past year or so I have had these brown - what I think are - corals sprouting up from the live rock. they have a clearish brown tube as a base and have dozens of tiny fingers sprouting from the center. I can not upload a photo as there seems to be an issue with that right now.
Can somebody tell me what they are and are they harmful or a nuisance? If so, how do I get rid of them?
they are spreading like crazy and I am worried that they will over take the Green Ricordea that I purchased in May.


Active Member
Sounds like aiptasia, do a search and you should be able find several pics to confirm. If it is aiptasia you need to get rid if them soon there reproduction is similar to mice they will get to a point where they can double there population weekly. I have used kalkwasser paste to successfully kill thousands of them.